How Do You Like Your Eggs In The Morning?

I am full of good intentions when it comes to making New Year resolutions, quit smoking, exercise more and eat healthily, although starting on the first day of January remains a stumbling block.

On the morning after the night before there are only two possible outcomes: one there will be sickness and the inability to stomach a mere sip of water or two I am really hungry and want bacon.

If like me you might awaken on day one of the ‘deep New Year cleanse’ craving a fry up instead of that lovely 0% fat yogurt in the fridge, my take on bacon, egg and toast provides an amicable solution.

Bacon, Egg and Avocado on toast.

Bacon, Egg and Avocado on toast.

Continue reading

Guest Blog: Louise’s homemade truffles

This year has almost reached its conclusion and looking back 2014 has been eventful; I have changed job, moved house twice, organised a hen party and sadly bid farewell to my grandfather.

While there are many highlights – the hen party was a triumph – in this season of goodwill I am awarding the prestigious title ‘Michelle’s Moment 2014’ to my sister Louise for her wedding in August past.

To give the whole day an authentic touch Louise and Barry (with sporadic help from yours truly and other members of the supporting cast) made invitations, table decorations and their wedding favours; it really was a beautiful and unforgettable day that gave everyone something to look forward to.

As her reward Louise has been granted a guest slot on my blog (much cheaper than buying a trophy) in which she exclusively shares the recipe for her homemade truffles …

Happy New Year everyone. Continue reading

Mince Pies

Love or loathe them mince pies are a festive treat likely to be found tucked away in most pantries this Christmas.

While I am not particularly fond of mince pies, during the festive period I do eat the odd one for the sake of it and because it is Christmas.

A few weeks ago I made mince pies for the Christmas Market – sometimes you just have to take one for the team – and my version turned out rather well actually. Continue reading

‘Tis The Season To Be Jolly: Sold Out At The Christmas Market

Tonight Lord Sugar will choose his new business partner in The Apprentice Final, a programme that often leaves me shouting at the TV screen as the teams battle to make his Lordship cash.

Watching from the comfort of an arm chair it is easy to pin point errors such as poor branding, the wrong product selection or a flawed pricing strategy, and think I could do better than that.

Well a few weeks ago I had an opportunity like this at the Orba Health and Well Being Christmas Market, run by Bridin Mullan. Continue reading